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Small Victory

I wanted him to be President. I hoped someone would see his potential as a Vice President, criss-crossing the world solving problems as he did for the Clinton Administration, but with more weight. When that didn't happen, I held out hope for Secretary of State, even though I figured the position was probably promised to Senator Clinton in the still-secret meeting with Senator Obama that marked the end of her campaign.

He's been US Ambassador to the UN. The man negotiated hostage releases from North Korea, Cuba, Sudan and Saddam Hussein himself. He brokered a ceasefire in Sudan that, while short-lived, was the most successful such deal to date. Three times, he's been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. On the other hand,

In 2006, Forbes credited Richardson's reforms in naming Albuquerque, New Mexico the best city in the U.S. for business and careers. The Cato Institute, meanwhile, has consistently rated Richardson as one of the most fiscally responsible Democratic governors in the nation.

Perhaps Secretary of Commerce is not a position unsuited to his talents. I only wish he'd been able to returned to the world stage, because I see in Governor Bill Richardson the statesmanship and global vision that I admired in President Bill Clinton. I thought that a Vice President or Secretary of State Richardson could help restore what is left of the American image after 8 years of the neo-cons.

Still, who knows what the future holds for Secretary of Commerce Richardson?


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