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Teach Peace

I'm deeply disturbed by the shootings in schools this week, most especially the execution-style killing of three Amish schoolgirls and wounding of many others which occured not an hour's drive from where I grew up. This is the third incident of school violence in the area of my school in recent years, and I'm losing count of how often it happens around the country.

I'm reminded, too, of the siege in Beslan, children left without schools in New Orleans and Lebanon, the attacks on female teachers and students in Afghanistan, and other such occurences.
But I can't help but think, in world dominated by a man and a superpower who feel justified in an "attack first, worry about clean-up later" attitude towards international disputes, what's to make kids think that violence isn't the answer?

Be the change you want to see in the world. Teach children about communication and compassion.


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